
Friday, October 23, 2015


As I sit here and wonder about life and how everything is so fragile I have come to the conclusion that life is short. 

A few weeks ago there was a tragic situation that happened nearby. A side of a mountain fell apart due to the storms we have been having and the mud covered homes of which approximately 600 people were missing. At an instant many people died however they were able to rescue very few people who lived on the top of the hill. Everyone was in shock and people started to work to be able to assist the surrounding communities. It was so amazing being able to see how people came together to help their own. 

Two weeks ago I was able to have coffee with two members of the church. They shared with me that there was a need that they could not provide for. A single woman in the church has been having a lot of problems with one of her kidneys. She was able to see two different doctors and they both pressed that she needed surgery as soon as possible because the kidney was getting worse. I prayed and  asked for help. I was able to receive the funding for her to get the surgery that is needed. The same week that I received the news that the money was going to be provided, I found out of another situation in a different city where the teenager may need a kidney transplant. She has been receiving dialysis, however this is not a long-term situation for her at this point because they live so far away from the city. 

The church also has a ministry of widows and I have been aware of situations where a lot of help is needed. 

I have a few friends in California who are starting a business and they are going to be launching their debuts this weekend. Juse and Jessica are going to be donating a portion of their profits to help the needs of the people I come across. I'm super excited to see what God is going to make out of this. 

Look them up on Instagram @stateofwild