
Friday, July 23, 2021

An Author?

 I know it has been a while since I have been on here and I wanted to share some amazing news; I will be writing a book. 

I have been on this beautiful path of excitement and rediscovery these past couple of months. I prayed for God to connect me with people who are like-minded in doing more for themselves. I wanted to be inspired to do more. Guess what? He has answered. 

When I came back from Guatemala I felt a little out of place and I kept asking Him, "What's next?" A few times I thought, "Write a book." I didn't know how to even do that so I put it in the back of my thoughts and moved on to something I did know which was to serve. God showed me doors, to be able to serve in Bolivia, just like I prayed for. That too was then placed in the back of my thoughts because I started to enjoy being back at my old job, Apple Tree, and surrounded by my family and friends.

The past couple of months I keep thinking the same thought, "Write a book." On my way to visit a longtime friend, Tiffany. I kept praying and asked God, "If I were to write a children's book, who would illustrate it?" He answered within 2 days because my friend had just finished writing a children's book and her HUSBAND was in the process of illustrating it (Click here to see her amazing blog regarding travel). 

Then, a few days ago I got a new revelation; What do I like to do? Serve and travel. I want to support those two things so I started to picture the money of the book supporting that desire. I wrote it all down. I asked again, "Please put the right people in my path to guide me." That SAME day at church I saw a friend I have not seen in over a year and a half and I shared with her my desires and my vision. Then she asked me the question: "What will your book be about?" I laughed. "I don't know." She then said "I would like to read about the adventures of Ana and the sales of that book can help support the next trip for the next book." At that moment I felt an intense rush of energy through my body and I knew without a doubt my prayer was being answered. 

I am now praying for someone to mentor me and guide me through it since I have never written a book. I KNOW without a doubt that I will soon have that mentor. This person is already here and shares with me the same excitement I have for those books. I can feel it in my veins.

I get so excited talking about it to people that every cell in my body vibrates and I feel as if I am floating. All of this is to bring glory to God because this book will prove that when you walk in faith and change the thought and expectation, He ALWAYS follows through. By the way I turned 40 and feeling amazing!




Here is the video I made from my trip to the east coast (It’s only visible on the desktop view not on your phone, sorry).